If you are looking to merge instagram accounts you try and do so with the instructions below, or alternatively we can buy our Instagram account merging service.

We have the knowhow and contacts to make it easy for you to merge Instagram accounts together into one tidy account

So, if you’re looking for a service to merge your instagram accounts – just contact us.

If not and you wish to merge your Instagram organically – here are some tips below.

Top Tips For Migrating Instagram Followers to Merge Instagram Accounts

You may wish to migrate an account that already has your target audience. Alternatively, you competitor’s account may have followers that match your target audience and you may want to make them aware of your presence. In both cases, exporting followers becomes a useful means of growing a bespoke audience that you hope follows your audience.

Herein are some of the top tips you can use to migrate Instagram followers if you are looking to merge Instagram accounts:

#1. ‘Signposting’ on Instagram

Promoting your new account on your old account is a good start with regards to attracting your old followers. You should invite your old followers to check out your new account.

Instagram Promotion

If your target audience, who in this case are your old followers are not aware of your new handle/username, they will not discover your new profile. As such, you followers profile may experience stunted growth and may not contain the same followers as the old one. To negate this you should engage in Instagram promotion if you wish your target audience to follow your new account.

#2. Follow Back

Use your list of followers to find the most influential followers and follow them back. In doing so, every user will get a notification that you are following them.

Ensure that in your new account biography, you include a reference to your old account. This will help the audience make connections between the new account and the old one.

#3. Messaging Followers

You can use Instagram’s messaging feature to contact your following/followers about your new account. In the message make sure you encourage them to follow the new account and engage with the new account.

Doing this makes them aware of the new account and the upcoming changes. Keeping your audience of a new version of your profile that will interest them gives them a chance to migrate and follow in your new account.

You can even go one better with a specific message bespoke to those who have engaged with you in the form of commenting and liking your post. They are more likely to migrate and, importantly, engage with your new account, thereby amassing engagements and helping you to merge instagram.

#4. Promoting The New Account A Wider Network Social Channels

You should also use your other social network such as Facebook and Twitter to reach out more of your fan base. Doing this will attract more of your existing followers, including your audience from other social sites. Moreover, it helps your overall audience from other social sites follow you on Instagram.

#5. Actively Engage With The Old Followers

To create a buzz and awareness about the new account, you should put a lot of effort to engage with your followers. Messaging them and asking them to follow your new account is only but the first part of the overall effort. Be active in commenting and liking your key/notable followers’ posts to make yourself visible.

So, if you’re looking for a service to merge instagram accounts – just contact us.